REI's Resource Guide to Religion and the Environment

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Resource GuideWelcome to REI's "Resource Guide to Religion and the Environment." In each of the sections listed below, you will find a list of books, web sites, and other resources specific to that topic. We do not intend this Resource Guide to provide a comprehensive list of resources on any given topic. Rather, we hope it will serve as a useful jumping-off point for more in-depth explorations. With that goal in mind, we have listed a number of key resources in each section, trying to keep the lists short enough that they will not be overwhelming, but also long enough to include a representative sampling of the resources available.

We would love to hear from you if you have additional resources to recommend for a given section, or would like to compose a resource guide of your own to a new topic. Please feel free to contact us at

Other Online Resource Guides to Religion and Environment

The Forum on Religion and Ecology (FORE) has an excellent, extensive online resource guide, with a searchable database, organized by faith tradition. FORE's guide is especially appropriate for academic users.

The Web of Creation also offers a number of helpful and inspiring online resources intended specifically to help Christian communities of faith engage in creation care.

Several of the other organizations listed on our Links page also offer resource guides of various sorts.


rei: religion and environment initiative
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